Nevjerstvo zena

Razgovarali: Amerikanac, Englez i Bosanac ko najbrze otkrije nevjerstvo zene? Kaze Amerikanac:
- "Ja unajmim privatnog detektiva i za 15 dana imam rezultate."
Kaze Englez:
- "Ja se obratim skotland jardu i dobijem rezultate za 7 dana."
Kaze Bosanac:
- "Ja kad se vracam kuci i vidim komsinicu kako se nesto smije ja joj u sali dobacim: Sta se smijes kurvo, a ona ce meni na to: KURVA JE ONA TVOJA, ENO SAD JE MUJU ISPRATILA."

pike dva



24.06.2005 04:28:08
Simpy the things that make ME. It's some stuff, that I won't do it, no ma1tter what. But, i hope that this will work for you.


24.06.2005 04:40:45


24.06.2005 06:24:57
I will e-mail you in the morning. I just can't take it this way anymore........


24.06.2005 17:18:38
You have any Aspirins?


24.06.2005 17:38:17
I must say that I am surprised with your mail. I don't know what else to say, of course I could be rude and a jackass but no. Sorry that I cannot help with this, this is something that you have to deal alone. Once you settle in your head, hart will follow...


24.06.2005 18:16:50
I know what you are saying. Maybe if you wouldn't have been the way and honest you are, everything would have beed solved by now.I keep looking for anything of you, that I wouldn't like. Well, I don't know a lot can't make you go away. Maybe if you would have talked to me more I would know some things I don't like to much. Remember my saying look-see-like-want-get-forget? It was never a big deal to do so. I got stuck with the like-want part with you. That is not even such a deal anymore. It is all the other things you are doing to me, without doing anything. Oohh help me god, I am almost getting crazy here. Really need some peace and freedem around me. I am so sory to bug you this way. There is just no one1 to talk to. I sooo look forward to be with my sis.


24.06.2005 20:00:50
What is going on? Come on one more hour and I have to go. Don't let me leave like this. ppleeaasee.


24.06.2005 20:01:28
Are you tring to make me not like you??????


24.06.2005 20:01:51
Well, not that way..........


24.06.2005 20:11:58
Please ... are you there?


24.06.2005 20:13:58
Sorry...But there is something about that girl... I don't know...


24.06.2005 20:16:30
I know, that way I feeling, when you told me I would know her.


24.06.2005 20:17:09
I just was praying to god you don't mix me in it again.


24.06.2005 20:20:21
She is just scared, she will get around... Thank you for beeing such good friend!


24.06.2005 20:20:23


24.06.2005 20:21:19
You are welcome. This gets all confusing sometimes. I had problems this morning.


24.06.2005 20:22:54
Scared of what to be "sama" and "uzarena". come on I was on-line waching remember.I know people too.


24.06.2005 20:24:52
You do know who I am talking about, right? She mentioned your name too.She knows for us, and she is scared of beeing hurt.


24.06.2005 20:26:47
Yeah wright. Dont bee silly. Every one can read and get some things you know. I remember her crushing on nedostizni, he was thinking its Samra or Jasmina


24.06.2005 20:28:22
Like i said I did talk to her thet one morning but didn't say names.She got it preatty fast, that i was thinking of you.
