Nevjerstvo zena

Razgovarali: Amerikanac, Englez i Bosanac ko najbrze otkrije nevjerstvo zene? Kaze Amerikanac:
- "Ja unajmim privatnog detektiva i za 15 dana imam rezultate."
Kaze Englez:
- "Ja se obratim skotland jardu i dobijem rezultate za 7 dana."
Kaze Bosanac:
- "Ja kad se vracam kuci i vidim komsinicu kako se nesto smije ja joj u sali dobacim: Sta se smijes kurvo, a ona ce meni na to: KURVA JE ONA TVOJA, ENO SAD JE MUJU ISPRATILA."

pike dva



20.06.2005 22:08:58


21.06.2005 13:55:03
Good morning, Sorry I am late.


21.06.2005 14:04:22
It takes a while to get here. Are you any faster, how do you get here. Sort by or id or?


21.06.2005 15:09:38
Lela, ja kao prvo neznam ko si ti i sta trazis. Kao drugo ne zelim tvoje izvinjenje jer to ne ide tako, ako se upetljas u privatni zivot jedne osobe tu i ostajes, nema to ok sad znam sad cu da zaboravim.Kao trece, moje sumnje su se ostvarile a ja tebi dugujem zahvalnost:) I don't get what you are saying here? You wanna share your thinking?


21.06.2005 15:36:10
Will get to that...


21.06.2005 15:42:36
2LUD4U 2005-06-20 23:19:25 Neka ti leptir objasni, lelo.Sad vise nemogu ni pjesme da ti pjevam:( Or here, what is going on? What did i do wrong? -Let me know how and when you get to "that". E-mail or here. Yesterday's mail I saw this morning.


21.06.2005 18:43:37
Kazu nije zdravo kad se voli nije zdravo e pa sta nema ljubavi bez boli ako nek sam prokleta Kazu nije zdravo kako zivim kad do zore nemam sna a ja cu do sudnjeg dana sa pjesmom na usnama Pa nek ide zivot neka ide u korak cu i ja snjim pa nek ide zivot neka ide hocu bar da prozivim Kazu nije zdravo kad se voli svaka ljubav ima kraj a da vjecno budem sama sta mi vrijedi zivot taj Kazu nije zdravo biti covjek vjerovati ljudima al' ne mogu protiv sebe i srca u grudima My favorite song the other day, remember? Well, after all my musik this is still "The one".


21.06.2005 20:56:16
See my song stays my song. I close the book and I close our chapter, take a deap breath and go on. Thanks again..


23.06.2005 18:56:14
Maybe this is a better place for this...


23.06.2005 19:03:55
I was thinking I close the chapter.Had to realize it doesn't work this way, not with you.


23.06.2005 19:06:15
It will go away, maybe you just need some time. I can't do something for a wrong reason, it's not me...


23.06.2005 19:07:48
No it will not go away.Do it for me.


23.06.2005 19:09:06


23.06.2005 19:14:33
That wont help, I know me, at least that much...I hate to see you like that, and I hate that I caused you so much - grief? But there are some things that are better left out...


23.06.2005 20:05:56
I hate myself, for don't being able to handle this.


23.06.2005 20:11:11
You'll be fine...1Trust me:)


23.06.2005 20:49:46
Trust you?...I can't trust myself anymore. Damn, I wanna stop this. It's not just my feelings anymore, you are starting to sneak in, into my everyday life. You know what? The day you send me your Good Luck mail, at night I raed all the mail over and deleted everything. Puzzle solved, case closed. Now this morning I called our computer prof. to stop by and re-start the system at a earlier date. That way I could still go into your mail.


23.06.2005 20:52:28
Maybe it would be better if you left it at delete...


23.06.2005 21:08:33
Maybe it would, I don't know. There is only one way for me to find out. I wouldn't like it not to know, I just wanna know. I'll have to deal with it, and don't know how. I can't sleep, can't think, concentrate, behave the normal way, laugh about jokes I was laughing at,enjoy life like I did before you, after Kenntucky I was sure I have me under controll. Well I think I was cheating on myself. That is not me. It is my body with someone else in it. God how am I going to handle this?


23.06.2005 21:09:54
What makes it so hard and why? I don't get it.
