
Dodje seljak iz Gornje Sabante na autobusku stanicu i kaze:
- "Dajte mi jednu kartu do Japana!"
Sluzbenica mu zacudjeno rece da mora da ode u Kragujevac pa da pita tamo! Ode on u Kragujevac i pita za kartu do Japana,a ovi ga poslase u Beograd da pokusa tamo! Dodje on na surcinski aerodrom i pita za kartu do Japana, a sluzbenica mu rece da oni nemaju direktan avion za Japan, ali da uskoro ima jedan za Sofiju pa moze proba tamo. Ode on do Sofije i pita jel moze da dobije jednu kartu do Japana, a ovi mu rekose da nemaju, ali da moze da ode do Moskve i da odatle ima direktan let. Otputuje on do Moskve pita za kartu do Japana i ovi mu rekose da ima jedno mesto sledeceg dana.
Saceka on jedan dan, ukrca se u avion i otputuje za Japan. Posle nekoliko dana boravka u Japanu dosadi njemu i odluci on da se vrati kuci. Ode na aerodrom u Tokiju i pita:
- "Molim vas, mogu li dobiti jednu kartu do Sabante?"
A sluzbenica na salteru ce ljubazno:




07.06.2005 16:22:35
Upset, me?!:) I have more patience that you and everybody else here on this crazy page:)


07.06.2005 17:13:16
Well you keep yourself bz with the phililines, croatiens and what was the other one? Guess you don't get bored with all that traffic going on. I kind like that. I'll change your name sweety into honey. Is that Ok? Bee's like sweet but love honey......


07.06.2005 17:40:38
Honey, I miss you already.


07.06.2005 19:39:22
I am not going anywhere...


07.06.2005 20:07:35
We will see...........


07.06.2005 20:13:07
indeed, you will.


07.06.2005 20:18:56
You make me, want to fly.


07.06.2005 20:32:01
I take that as a good thing:)


07.06.2005 20:35:26
We just have to watch out, that I don't crash. I hope you will hold tight on to me, so I don't slipp and breack my wing.Hy I like the way we talk it's funny. Do you like funny?


07.06.2005 20:41:06
As a ma1tter of fact, I do like funny. I spend most of my day joking around and laughing.


07.06.2005 20:41:23
I couldn't ask you, If you wanna share a flower with me.I liked the flower better, kind of much closer to each other. Don't you think?


07.06.2005 20:49:19
We could share more than that, patience...


07.06.2005 20:53:12
Where do you spend most of your day? Not alone for sure. Can't joke around alone.I tried, doesn't work, nobody there to comment. How do you feel if the joke is on your account?


07.06.2005 20:56:13
Did you say THE ONE, or just you know one of many of them?


07.06.2005 20:57:49
Half of my working day I spend at work, go figure:) I spend it with my colleagues, co workers and friends. Yes I do work with all of them, I make friends easily. I don't care of a joke is on my account or not, fun is what's important. Anything you want to share?


07.06.2005 21:02:47
I don't know about "the one" :)))


07.06.2005 21:06:15
If you get closer, maybe you'll hear me whisper.


07.06.2005 21:16:27
How about that number...


07.06.2005 21:29:36
Patience, patience. I have to sit down and explain some things to you, I think. An e-mail a bit longer then the ones before will take time. I'll work on it first thing in the morning. Just a bit about me. Honeybee and Butterfly really take the most time of the day away from me. Quick I'll just tell you that the two bugs are names for my two working places. Tell you more about in the morning ok?


07.06.2005 21:33:42
Touche...Bravo! You got me going there, but you let me down so fast... Girl, you have some crazy ways!I hope that you will write something more about yourself!
