
Čovjek vodi ljubav sa ljubavnicom. Lud'lo. Sve se trese. Otvaraju se vrata - ulazi njen muž - 2 metra - težak 130kg. Hvata nesretnika za nogu i vrat, iznosi ga na terasu i baca sa 14-tog kata. Čovjek dok pada razmišlja:
- "Konju jedan koji ti je kurac ovo trebalo - imam super ženu, djecu, kola, plaću..."
Dolje prolazi traktor i vuče prikolicu sa sijenom i čovek - tras - pada na sijeno. Ustaje - otresa ono sijeno sa sebe i kaže:
- "E, što ja serem kad se uplašim."




02.11.2004 00:14:56


02.11.2004 00:31:58
svaka cast


02.11.2004 01:18:57


02.11.2004 02:10:14


02.11.2004 07:37:03
Pa, dobro Eddy, dokle ces nam slati ovako dobre viceve?


02.11.2004 12:37:11
Jaaako dooobbbroo! :)


02.11.2004 13:05:07

Licno JA

02.11.2004 15:00:09
Na svakom sajtu sa viceve ima ga bar dva-tri puta:( Dajte nesto novo...


02.11.2004 18:59:18
Hehehe ma najbolji u posljednje vrijeme ostalo je sve bed!!!


02.11.2004 19:04:39

morbid angel

02.11.2004 21:58:27
Blood Drenched Execution Carnage inspired by hatred and evil Fatalities the final solution Feel the fu*king pain I rip your child from your cunt The fetus is kept alive To die before caring eyes Slaves in hell for me A tortured death will set you free The executioner I was meant to be Born to kill for all eternity The exsanguination Savage display of murder and mayhem Casualities of primal abduction Red is spraying from The hole in the baby's head The slaughter will not subside This day a family dies Young blood is so pure Unborn infant is dead premature The executioner Has to mutilate A fetal pulp is all that remains Rapid blood loss Flooding the floor Gore is unstoppable Rabid blood lord Carving the whore Extremely contemptible Rancid rancor Insatiable from my proclivity Random tirade Eternal death inevitable Blood drenched execution Carnage inspired by hatred and evil Fatalities the final solution Felt the fu*king pain I ripped our child from your cunt The fetus was kept alive To die before blood soaked eyes


02.11.2004 22:12:03
ma jao nidze veze salim se dobar ba


03.11.2004 09:47:13
nije lose...bit ce bolje


03.11.2004 15:53:06
sta je ovom morbidu?!


03.11.2004 16:05:18
Ma,pusti ga,Breskva,juri mene.Misli da ce da me uvrbuje u nekakvu sektu poremecenim tekstovima,a ja mu uzvracam: Evo me noci, stara prijateljice, Opet njoj cu poci, Niz duge puste ulice. Tamo gdje strahovi prestaju, obraz mi grije njen dlan Na njemu moje usne nestaju, Beskrajno sam, uzdah joj znam. Casti me noci, stara prijateljice. U casu natoci, zudnju da mi slomije. Zar nisam dovoljno gubio, Tko ce izmjeriti bol. Do ocaja ljubio, namjerno bjezao Da bih se vracao. Opet mi se budi tuga, tuga najveca. Koju nosi snijeg s planina, vjetar ravnica. Koga sad joj srce voli, kazi nek jos jace voli. Idemo do dna, tuga ti i ja. Pozdravljam te noci, Stara prijateljice. I ovaj krug ce proci, Nece stic' me kajanje. Sta je ovo proljece, spram njeznih godina. Poziv njen me pokrece, Cak i sa dna, isto izgleda.

morbid angel

04.11.2004 16:37:26
I run Morbidiance Blue Cafe together with my wife On top there is a hair-dresser called Nick and he's found of knifes When Nick gets a customer without a wedding-ring He asks them simple questions about their home and private lives If he then finds out that the person has no function He use to do the hair-cut, but also do a throat-cut But only the male, for girls he shows respect Widows is not in his taste, but men he loves to waste, he loves to taste Strips the body from clothes and ornaments Release him from the head and different parts He flays the bodies careful and sends them down to us Finally the body reaches us here at Morbidiance Blue We separate the bones form the flesh and we cut them too For our receipt of pies filled with meat we got an award Come have a seat, please have something to eat, you will not get bored Eat our meals because we have a deal with him on top The young men he seals cannot be healed and he will not stop You know when you've been tangled... I run Morbidiance Blue Cafe together with my wife From the flesh of young men we know how to make the finest pies But the secret's highly classified


06.11.2004 09:06:51
Morbid angel, u really think ur so evil? SUPRISE!!! Eating someones meat, shiting around like u do... teenagers do that! Or u need shrink! " This is me, for forever, the one of the lost ones, the one without a name, without an honest heart as compass..." (Nightwish, Nemo)


06.11.2004 09:17:04
Morbid angel, tek sam maloprije u komentarima jednog vica vidjela da znas bosanski... Slusaj, nemam blage koji ti je k.... trebalo ono sr..nje, ali lici na onu situaciju kad 16-godisnjak nema dovoljno paznje... pa je trazi svakakvim sredstvima... Sto se tice sekti, ja sam uvijek mislila da tu idu ljudi kojima je potrebna sigurnost... jer, vjeruj mi, mracniji je zivot napolju...

morbid angel

06.11.2004 13:24:14
postoji i to doba kad slusas nightwish, hammerfall i blind guardian. to se zove pretskolsko Enter the graveyard, Searching for a female corpse Dead for thirteen years The perfect whore to fill my need Dig her body up Crack open gruesome tomb Ceremonial Covert necrophilia Why must I masturbate at the sight of maggots That are crawling on her face ? Drawn to the coffin's stench that holds an impure Wench, inhumanity Half skeletal remains Insatiable desire to inseminate Swarm a parasitic plague enables me to emulate A state of constant disarray Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested Chew the bitches fu*kin' head Eat her fetid skin and relish in the violation Tear tissue from the bone as these actions go Unkown; vicious cruelty Vile distal cruelty Snapping bones in two, defiling cavities continues Fierce repulsive fanasies enables me to emulate A state of constant disarray Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested I must fu*k her worm infested, worm infested Cunt Excoriate, disseminate, demoralize, to sodomize Excoriate, disseminate, demoralize, to sodomize Despicable degradation, excoriate her Inimical depredation, disseminate her Ignominious domination, demoralize her Presumptuous defecation to sodomize her Why must I masturbate at the sight of maggots That are crawling on her face ? Drawn to the coffin's stench that holds an impure Wench, inhumanity Half skeletal remains Insatiable desire to inseminate Swarm a parasitic plague enables me to emulate A state of constant disarray Dead for thirteen years The perfect whore to fill my need Despicable degradation, excoriate her Inimical depredation, disseminate her Ignominious domination, demoralize her Presumptuous defecation to sodomize her Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested I must fu*k her worm infested, worm infested Cunt Worm infested cunt


07.11.2004 09:33:04
Ne znam, pretskolsko, jesi siguran? Ako nades istinu u necem, to je pretskolsko?! Ili zato sto ne slusam stvari tipa "ubij dijete, sotona ce vladati", sto se ne palim na pentagrame, sto, zapravo, mislim da je zlo iznad svih ovih pjesmica i ostalih sr..nja!? Nesto nepojmljivo ( bar za tebe, u slucaju da stvarno vjerujes u svoje pjesmice), i, da nepojmljivo za mene, hvala Bogu, bar za moj pretskolski uzrast! HVALA BOGU!!!
